Mass grave skeletons reveal torture, executions at standing position

Some of the victims slain in the mass grave at Thirukkeathessvaram in Mannaar have been shot after being ordered to stand up straight, according to those who witnessed the excavation of the mass grave on Friday and Saturday. Of the four more skeletons recovered on Friday, one skull was found covered by a camouflage cloth used by the SL military. Gunshot wounds were also found on two of the skulls recovered on Friday. There were also teeth of children among the remains recovered on Saturday. Several skeletons recovered so far also bore marks of torture, the sources told TamilNet Monday. So far, more than 18 skeletons have been located and there were traces of more human skeletons in the mass grave.

Thirukkeatheesvaram_03_01_13_02_106022_445The victims were most probably innocent civilians who were trying to reach Mannaar through Naayaattu-ve’li during the Sri Lanka Army launched military operation Rana Gosha in 1999.

The Bishop of Mannaar and the Tamil National Alliance have called for international investigations on the massgrave at Thriukkeatheesvaran.

At least 240 people are reported missing between 1990 and 2009 in the nearby villages Paappaamoaddai, Ka’ndal, Pa’l’limunai, Ma’likaith-thidal, Theanudaiyaan and Veaddaiyaa-mu’rippu, the legal sources further said.






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