SL military steps up threats against OISL submissions

The SL military has arrested a Tamil man in Ki’linochchi, allegedly in possession of forms to be sent to the OHCHR Investigation on Sri Lanka (OISL) in Geneva on Saturday, according to reports from Vanni on Sunday. The SL Police has informed the family of Sinnathamby Krishnaraja from Ira’nai-maa-nakar in Muzhangkaavil that Mr Krisnarajah was being taken to Colombo for interrogations. As the deadline for submissions to OISL in nearing, the SL military has instructed the Internet café owners to alert them on people scanning documents for submission, a net-café owner in Ki’linochchi told TamilNet.

The SL military and police have stepped up monitoring of rights activists, politicians and journalists having outside link to identify possible witnesses to OISL.

All the telephone communications of Tamil lawyers and priests in the North and East are being tapped, informed sources said.

The family and relatives of the victim arrested by the SL military on Saturday has alerted the journalists, rights activists and politicians to help them secure the release of Mr Krisnarajah.

[Full Coverage]

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