Kollywood stories often resemble real life incidents. Srikanth‘s upcoming film ‘Ethiri Enn 3’ is one such film. The movie revolves around bank robbery and there are some encounter scenes too, says its director Ramkumar.
But he calls it a sheer coincidence. "The story was conceived a long back and we started the shooting last year itself. The film is about how an intelligent youngster is trapped by robbers. There are some pulsating encounter sequences as well."
Poonam Bhajwa is playing Srikanth‘s love interest in this movie, which has veteran Prabhu doing an important character. "The shooting is nearing completion and we have plans to release the movie soon," adds the director.
Besides ‘Ethiri Enn 3’, Srikanth is currently busy with a film titled ‘Paagan’. Also, the ‘Nanban’ actor is committed to do a couple of projects in Tollywood and Mollywood.
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