Karthi Sivakumar is one lucky man, we definitely have to say. The actor graced Kollywood with 5 blockbusters and his sixth film, ‘Saguni’, is seeing a massive solo release now that Ajith’s ‘Billa 2’ is seeing a delay.
It will see a worldwide release with more than 1000 prints! The Telugu prints alone are 400 which is quite a huge opening, considering it’s a dubbed version in Telugu. It maybe mentioned, until now, Karthi‘s films have only had about 600 prints in Tamil itself!
While ‘Saguni’ in Tamil has a clean ‘U’ certificate, the Telugu ‘Sakuni’ has been given a ‘U/A’. Both the versions will simultaneously release on June 22. Songs by GV Prakash have received a fair response in both the states.
Directed by debutant Shankar Dayal, the film has Karthi and Pranitha in lead roles with Santhanam for comic relief. It’s a political satire with Karthi playing mind games, thus the title.
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