Over 200 activists from different Tamil Nadu political parties and civil society outfits, who had gathered at Chengalpet to protest the detention and harsh treatment of Eezham Tamil refugees in the ‘special camp’ there were arrested by the police on Saturday. Pressuring the police to release the protestors, 4 of the camp inmates climbed on trees and threatened to jump. After a brief parley, the detained activists were released by evening. Meanwhile, the condition of those hunger strikers who have been hospitalized has been further deteriorating, sources told TamilNet.
Neither the central nor the state government has responded to worsening condition of refugees on fast. Likewise, the refugees are also firm that they will not give up their fast until a just solution is arrived at, informed sources said.
After the demonstration by Tamils outside the Indian embassy in Berlin, protests by the Tamil diaspora criticizing the unjust treatment of Eezham Tamil refugees by the Indian state have been planned in other countries.
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