Sinhala paramilitary attacks Tamil cattle farmers in Batticaloa

Sinhala ‘home guards’ operated by the occupying Sri Lankan military have been attacking Tamil cattle farmers in the border villages of the Batticaloa district. The SL police is ignoring the complaints made by Tamil farmers against such attacks. The Sinhala ‘home guards’, who have appropriated lands of Eezham Tamils are doing cultivation in the occupied lands and are given military training by the SL military to operate as an occupation paramilitary along the borders of Polonnarwa – Batticaloa and Batticaloa – Ampa’rai districts in the East.

On November 25, a 25 year-old Tamil youth, Yogarasa Sakikara, who allowed his cattle to graze in pasture lands at Mangcha’l Aar’ru was assaulted by Sinhala home guards and allowed to go with a warning that he should not return to the pasture land again. Bakkiella Police refused to entertain his complaint against home guards.

The occupied Tamil village, Mangka’la Aa’ru, is now renamed into Sinhala as ‘Mangalagama’.

The Sinhala home guards are also engaged in stealing cattle belonging to Tamils and demanding money from them as ‘fine’ for allowing the cattle to graze in the occupied land.

Tamil farmers live along the boarder villages in fear that they will be killed one day by Sinhala home guards if they allow their cattle to pasture lands allocated for grazing.

Last year, one Tamil farmer was assaulted and his legs were broken by the Sinhala home guards.

[Full Coverage]

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