Inviting world public in the search for the missing MH370, a US firm, DigitalGlobe, has thrown open its data from five orbiting satellites. The resolution of the images would be to the extent of half a meter of ocean surface per computer screen. While this is a free service, termed as “crowdsourcing,” the firm’s data on a fee-basis was also open to the public on Ukraine violence and some natural disasters in the past month. The service is termed “First Look Event Service.” While some countries have such a capacity, their Establishments also have the capacity of coursing a genocidal war without witnesses and shielding it for five years, as in the case of Mu’l’livaaykkaal, Tamil political observers said.
The satellite images of the Gulf of Thailand would be made available for free to the public on a website called Tomnod, The Malaysian Insider reported on Tuesday, citing ABC News.
In November, the company launched a similar crowdsourcing campaign after Typhoon Haiyan devastated Southeast Asia and users, who placed more than 400,000 tags on images, helped identify 38,000 damaged buildings and 101,000 damaged homes.
DigitalGlobe runs a fee-based First Look Event Service that compares before-and-after images for clients.
In the past month, the company activated the service to observe wildfires in Australia, violence in Ukraine and the aftermath of ice storms in Atlanta, The Malaysian Insider further reported.
External Links:
The Malaysian Insider:
US satellite imaging firm helps to crowdsource search for MH370
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