The occupying Sri Lankan military in Ki’linochchi has arrested a 13-year-old girl and her 48-year-old mother, sending shock waves across the entire Tamil nation on Thursday. The girl, Vipooshika Balendren has become a symbol of young children seeking the whereabouts of their family members, as she used to attend the peaceful protests crying in search for her brother, touching the hearts of the people. In a move, believed to be a trap to target the girl and her mother, more than 350 Sri Lankan soldiers rounded up their village Thursday evening in an encounter like operation claiming that they were looking for a ‘terrorist’. The SL military is detaining the girl and her mother, Jeyakkumari Balendran, news sources in Ki’linochchi told TamilNet Thursday night.
On 15 November 2013, when the British Prime Minister David Cameron came to Jaffna, the girl and her mother were taking part in a protest. The girl was also crying when UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay visited Jaffna.
The and13-year-old Vipooshika and her mother have been taking part in several peaceful protests, crying and demanding the whereabouts of the missing persons.
According to initial reports from Ki’linochchi, the SL military has been searching for a person who was a driver. The person was staying in the village and was seen running to escape from the SL military.
The SL military has also fired at the house of the 13-year-old girl.
The villagers say that the person could have planted to set up a scene to arrest the girl and her mother.
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