Civil society activists and Tamil politicians from the homeland join together with Diaspora activists and exiled journalists to look into the question whether the US draft resolution being framed at the Human Rights Council would be a part of the solution or part of the problem in bringing a solution to the 60-year-old genocide of Eezham Tamils in their homeland on Friday at a side event in Geneva addressing a press conference at Geneva Press Club on Friday, Professor R. Sri Ranjan from the University of Manitoba Winnipeg, Canada, told TamilNet on Thursday. The event would explore the multiple aspects of the resolution and whether UNHRC as a body failed in its mandate to protect a persecuted people who face a most brutal form of genocidal oppression in their homeland. The press conference will also be webcast at 11:00 a.m. CET.
Speaking to TamilNet from Geneva, TNPF leader Gajendrakumar Ponnambalam said: "There is a misconception as regards to the US sponsored resolution. There is a deliberate orchestration of a particular form of narrative that gives an illusion that there is a significant improvement for the Tamils, and that there is something in this resolution tantamount to a Commission of Inquiry that would lead to prosecution of perpetrators in the Sri Lankan state in the standards of International Criminal Justice. But this is false, and the resolution has nothing to do with bringing any decent change for the Tamils in the island."
He further said that at the press conference tomorrow, he would be talking about the motivations behind the current resolution and what the Tamils believe ought to happen at the UNHRC if it is to remain relevant.
Gajendrakumar Ponnambalam (TNPF), MK Shivajlingam (TNA) and Kumaravadivel Guruparan, Tamil Civil Society Forum (TCSF) activist, will be looking at the gap between Tamil people’s demands for an international investigation into genocide and the US-UK sponsored resolution. They will also be addressing the burning issue of genocidal land grabs taking place in the Tamil homeland and look at how international community could bring an effective mechanism to end the structural genocide of Eelam Tamils.
Professor Sri Ranjan will be looking at how the different articles of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights have been violated by successive Sri Lankan governments over several decades.
Dr. Andrew Higginbottom from UK will be summarizing the concluding argument put forward for the prosecution at the Permamant Peoples Tribunal session held in Bremen. He will also look into UK’s central role in the UN.
Bashana Abeywardane will be looking at why the US-UK backed resolution is giving Sri Lanka yet another year from a geopolitical perspective and on the reasons behind the US-UK axis and the Russia-Chinese nexus to give support to the unitary Sri Lankan state.
Krisna Saravanamuttu from Canada will be looking at the on-going international failure of the IC and its complicity in the genocide of the Tamil nation. Luxcy Alex Lambert from Germany will be arguing how her host country could set a new paradigm in addressing the imbalance prevailing in the international system.
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